January 10, 2011

Jocelyn + Eli...Trust is Golden

The power of trust is something we talk about but rarely really let go of. There are two things about photography and life that I feel strongly about; trust & golden light. I feel, to get amazing images from a photographer you need to trust them. In turn you're likely to evoke their creative freedom and your photog will shoot for themselves (as if they were getting married). The golden hour is the prettiest light, just before sunset. Most weddings take the pictures before the ceremony due to time and the importance of capturing the key shots of the bride & groom before the party starts. Jocelyn and Eli set a special scene for their wedding day. As they saw each other for the first time as the sun was about to set on the golf course of Ballen Isles in Palm Beach, I found myself shooting my sixth wedding since my workshop with Ben and Erin and had two new lenses in hand: the L 35mm F/1.4 and the L 50 mm f/1.2. As I watched Jocelyn & Eli dance on the golf course I fell in love with every angle I could find, the light and my new lenses. At one point I had my finger on the camera trigger, just going for that one shot I envisioned of them on the hill....My eyes were lusting over the moments of light and my head was saying, "shoot for yourself!" It was at that point that I shot a few silhouettes and Dorian shot the sun bursting through their kiss....I was in heaven. After all, I was on a golf course and at a wedding with this remarkable couple so in love and entrusting!
I feel most lucky when I am working with amazing couples who totally trust me because they let go...they let me guide them in a sensitive, sweet way which makes them forget or just not be bothered by things like, the bottom of their dress getting a little dusty or their feet hurting or tired, they just live in the moment.. they are alive! As Allison always tells me,"Mags, just let it happen!" Jocelyn trusted that I am going to lead them to a romantic spot that all they have to do is love each other. It's moments like these that make my job not seem like work, my heart feel fulfilled and my investments in equipment the best money I've ever spent.

What makes a great picture? As I stare at a picture in black and white - I ponder this question. Most photogs will tell you, lighting, emotion, color and composition.
So as I stare at this black and white image; there is no color, the light is fine and compositionally, if I had to retake it I would change my angle at bit. But to be honest, it doesn't matter, cause the moment is gone and I am left looking at this black & white. I come to terms with the fact that in my opinion, a great photo is one that tells a story, one that evokes feeling, emotion....in this instance, in this picture, I'm in love the feeling it gives me. At this weeding, there were a lot of great color images but for some reason, I come back to this one, a black & white and this is why......When I see this image, I see the bride holding the bussle of her dress with her hand while she brushes her curls back from neck as the wind blows her wail. I see the tone of her arms and the highlights of her striking features. She's beautiful. I remember, as she takes a deep breath she sweetly smiles, she's calm. While her groom is staring at the camera conscious of me but there is a shallow depth of field so he's not the main focus, it's about the bride. Selfishly, I love this photo because when I look at it again and again it takes me right back to the moment, the feeling, the lighting of the golden hour of that afternoon. Mostly, it takes me back to their love, so playful like a language of their own as they celebrated each other. It's passion. I remember the feeling and the thoughtfulness they showed each other, oh how rare.
So in the end, if it's up to me, a good picture is one you love looking at, one that brings you back to the moment, the taste, the sensations you had while you were lost in the moment not even knowing it happened....but now you stare at the photo realizing, that was it, that was the moment, fleeting.

December 29, 2010

Dan + Lorena....Rendezvous around the world

If you can travel the world together and remain best friends, you've got a keeper! I most admire Dan & Lorena for their hunger for worldly travel! They are true jet setters with a multitude of amazing experiences! They first met at a company Christmas party in Atlanta. Although they were traveling around the world for work at that time and lived in two different cities they somehow organized their first date. Dan flew Lorena to San Francisco where they had their first trist and getting aquatinted. He wined and dined her in Napa where they discovered they had more and more in common. Before they met they were actually neighbors in Chicago, frequenting the same places but never actually meeting.
Next, Dan visited her in Miami where she and her family were living. I think it was at that point Dan called his boss and asked if he could leave the west coast and land a job in the warm sunny climate of South Florida. His wish was granted - sounds to me like destiny if you ask me! but it worked out perfectly. Next, they were flying in a helicopter on Christmas to Key West where Dan proposed. As Dan tells their story I see the passion he feels for Lorena. He says, "I knew I was going to marry her!" (laughing) He was both persistent and adventurous both will tell you. They're the perfect two to compliment one another. Their family life could not be more different, Dan from St. Louis and was raised Jewish and later attended Purdue. Lorena was born in Columbia, speaks spanish and raised Catholic. Passionate about traveling, Lorena probably has more stamps in her passport than anyone I know. She even taught Dan spanish...They made a rule after they started dating; every Sunday they only spoke Spanish to each other.

I love so many things about Lorena. She's the most considerate person I have ever met. She makes you feel like you are the most special person in the world. When she tells stories about her journeys no matter how fantastic - she always asks about you first. She gets to know me in such a way that you instantly connect with her. The best thing about her stories is the excitement evoked.
While toasting with a glass of red wine in their living room, I showed them their wedding pictures and thought to myself...In front of me are two people who have traveled the world, conquered the successes of work, languages and family. Now they sit in their new house in Hollywood, Florida, on their new sofa with amazing stories about how they dated, rendezvoused in different cities and grew to see that they are the same person in most ways but have enough differences to keep them unique. It was then I realize, this is just the beginning....Most people only dream about having the adventures and visiting the places they have already seen. Most people only wish they could find a love that is not only your best friend but your travel buddy, you translator, you other half and now your spouse.

Salute to my great friends! Designing the most sentimental ceremony by incorporating both religions with their closest friends. Oh and one fun party by the beach, under a full moon.
To think; it's really just the beginning.

A special thanks to J. Morgan Flowers
The Westin Fort Lauderdale Beach

December 19, 2010

Lisa + Damian

Flowers by Fresh Art

In a world with so many choices today this wedding day reminded me of how simple our life, love and needs really are. Simple, classic, elegant...I think if we choose to make this our ideal we will more and more find ourselves automatically focusing on the realness of the smiles, laugher and the pure joy we all were created with.
On this fall day of Lisa + Damian's wedding I was peeking into this love story with the most ideal setting. It was my first time meeting Damian but I had already grown to love Lisa. She has this amazing sincerity in her heart....she exudes kindness in such a real kind of way.
As we took pictures of the ceremony and then headed to the park the colors of fall were radiant. The golden light made me want to capture the beauty that was in front of me through my camera. How inspired I felt! This was really a special setting with exceptional subjects. As the groomsmen carried the beer a great laughter echoed through the woods. We walked on the path to the park which lead us to this beautiful sanctuary of rocks, wildflowers and trees decorated with colorful leaves! As I stopped to get a feel for the mood of the group, I admired the energy that I felt-contagious!! It was happiness!
On this day I was the lucky one - to be taking pictures of such an amazing group - right in front of me. I admirably stared, laughed and loved this couple as if they were my best friends. I cried like I was a guest and watched the night come to an end as everyone danced their shoes off at Olivia on The Hill.